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Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Freedom means... quitting?

No - not quitting guitar!  Freedom from not having the time to do the things that are important to you.  Right now with my guitar hobby, It's important that I make progress.  I want to recognize that today I can do something that seemed impossible (or at least insanely difficult) a few months or a year ago.  That's not happening at the moment, and at least one reason is the amount of time I spend learning material for the orchestra.  As our conductor pointed out - we learned about 2 hours of music this year -  meanwhile I'm thinking to myself  - that's awesome but I can't personally play a single tune as a result😞
 So although I will seriously miss next semester - 5 performances, lots of great new music- I'm going to take a break and work on some specific guitar skills.   Of course this may not be the "right" decision, especially as I really enjoy it.  How to tell if I'm doing the right thing? Often when I can't make up my mind I find it's helpful to make a decision one way or the other and then sleep on it. If the morning brings a sense of all being right with the world, then it was the right decision.  If, on the other hand, it brings a nagging sense of unease, (perhaps augmented by a complete lack of sleep) then it's time to take the other path! So tonight, I'm making the decision to quit and  I'm going to sleep on it....


  1. FWIW I think you made the right decision. I did the guitar orchestra thing before, and while I enjoyed it, it wasn't really worth the time, effort, and expense compared to how it benefitted my playing. My suggestion is to look for a duet partner at about your skill level.

    1. I agree with your comment - although there have definitely been benefits to my playing in some areas, not nearly as much as one could expect from actually working on skills. The biggest downside for me (apart from not progressing) is not having the time to learn new pieces to play - I really enjoy just playing pieces and I haven't had time to learn much this year at all... I slept on it last night and still feel OK this morning - will miss it, but not enough to change my mind for this semester at least! Cheers !

  2. It doesn't look like you're quitting, it looks like you're challenging yourself to something new! You should be proud of making a difficult choice and use that as motivation to put in the work. That took guts!
